Configure your switch

2017-10-10 12:52   |   Views 423

Button switches, are used to control the roller shutter motors. They have a lock before turning both directions simultaneously.
In our portfolio there are 2 types of switches: stable, which when pressed remains in the same position and astable, which when pressed returns to its original position.
Due to the great interest of customers with our original solutions, we have introduced the ability to configure your own switch that will meet your visual and functional needs. The switch consists of a frame, buttons and a mechanism: stable or astable. Products are sold as separate items, allowing you to order the switch in any color configuration. The color range is broad, apart from classic colors such as beige or brown, turquoise and violet are also included.



strzałka-01  See all frames
strzałka-01  See all buttons for switches
strzałka-01  See all mechanism for switches